
19th century, fine Bavarian violin, copy of Niccolo Amati

Despite the overwhelming predominance of the concepts of Antonio Stradivari, fine stringed instruments patterned after the style of Nicola Amati, Antonio Stradivari's great teacher, have still...

Despite the overwhelming predominance of the concepts of Antonio Stradivari, fine stringed instruments patterned after the style of Nicola Amati, Antonio Stradivari's great teacher, have still held their own over the centuries and have always enjoyed a strong following among musicians and violin makers. The latter have often created especially masterful pieces when they followed the Amati template, and this particular violin is a noteworthy example. Certain aspects of the violin indicate it was made in Mittenwald as suggested by different characteristics, including the nature of its lovely and luminous golden-orange-brown varnish with strong craquellation. The shape of the sound holes and the style of the arch also point towards a Southern Bavarian heritage. Meticulous craftsmanship is evident in the well crafted edges, exceptionally accurate purfling and richly detailed scroll. The matured, warm and sweet sound of this fine violin in perfect condition is adaptable and rich in colour — a wonderfully successful homage to the old masters of Cremona. Our special recommendation, offered ready to play and like all instruments from Corilon violins, meticulously worked over by our luthier.

Inventory no.
sweet, full of character
Length of back
35.9 cm
19th century, fine Bavarian violin, copy of Niccolo Amati - violin top
19th century, fine Bavarian violin, copy of Niccolo Amati - violin back
19th century, fine Bavarian violin, copy of Niccolo Amati - violin ribs
19th century, fine Bavarian violin, copy of Niccolo Amati - violin scroll
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