Set of strings Pirastro Tonica violin (4/4)

For many years now we have been using Pirastro Tonica violin strings in our work with historic instruments, and we have recommended them to countless clients as dependable strings for any setting. The question as to why we use these strings and why so many musicians around the world appreciate them is answered through our daily experience in our specialist workshop.


For many years now we have been using Pirastro Tonica violin strings in our work with historic instruments, and we have recommended them to countless clients as dependable strings for any setting. The question as to why we use these strings and why so many musicians around the world appreciate them is answered through our daily experience in our specialist workshop.

Tonica strings (4/4) are the Pirastro company’s most successful brand. With their dynamic, rich sound and their lively tone attack, they are rare among strings in complementing a broad range of different instruments, and yet they enhance the sound potential of each one to its fullest. In our work as restoration experts for old violins, we are able to observe them in what amounts to an endurance test on our instruments, and Tonica violin strings have consistently shown their merits in terms of tuning stability and durability. Many of our clients appreciate the easy response of these nylon-core strings and their resistance to changes in temperature and humidity. We offer this Tonica string set of medium-gauge violin strings for use in any setting; the E has a ball end. Please note our tips for putting on new violin strings.

€ 49.00
approx. $ 53.90
Inventory no.
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Pirastro Tonica violin strings (4/4)
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